"The price paid for inadequate emphasis on prevention includes the costs of excess medical care for avertable diseases and complications, as well as the deleterious economic effects of illness on a healthy workforce, corporate competitiveness, …" ¹


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Preventable loss of life or quality of life: priceless.


In today’s ever-busy world and evolving consumer-driven access to healthcare for immediate problems, whether via telemedicine or in-clinic visits, too many people miss out on the most significant, cost-effective, disease-preventive, and life-saving screening tests.


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How it works

MedTechnologies’ adult well health preventive screening algorithm determines which, if any, of the screening tests listed below should be discussed with your healthcare provider for consideration, based on information you provide about yourself, and your family history:

—  Other testing may be considered based on an individualized assessment by your health care provider

Screening tests to prevent heart attacks and strokes:


High cholesterol


Abdominal aortic aneurism screening:

Osteoporosis screening


Colorectal cancer screening

Lung Cancer screening

Prostate cancer screening

Cervical Cancer Screening

Breast Cancer Screening

Genetic counselling and testing including BRCA1/2

The final report remains confidential for your use only; it contains no name or identifier, and only you can share it with your healthcare provider. Only your healthcare provider can order a test following a proper medical evaluation and informed consent. If you wish to keep a copy of your confidential screening tool report, you will be invited to print your screen or send a copy to your email.

Even if there are no specific recommendations, you still need to see your healthcare provider regularly, and by no means should this screening tool replace regular healthcare visits. MedTechnologies does not give medical advice. Don’t forget to also discuss the following with your healthcare provider:

  • Immunizations
  • Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infection screenings
  • Any mental health or substance use issues

Even if you have no vision problems, you should still consider visiting an optometrist regularly, especially if you are 40 years old or older.

Know the following most important interventions that can be taken to prevent cancer, heart attack, and strokes:
  • Healthy diet: Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and low in saturated animal fat.
  • Regular physical exercise: Ideally, aim for 30 minutes per day or 40 minutes four times per week, plus some strength training.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and body mass index (BMI): If you are overweight, even losing a few pounds and maintaining that loss will positively affect your health.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking is the most significant risk factor for cancer, heart attack, and stroke. Never start smoking, and if you smoke, stop as soon as possible.
  • Limit alcohol consumption: Try to limit alcohol intake to no more than two drinks per week.
  • Minimize UV sunlight exposure: Protect your skin from excessive UV radiation to reduce cancer risk.

¹ «NIH, National Library of Medicine»